Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Speed up menu display

Speed up menu display


जानकारी Microsoft द्वारा उपद्ल्ब्ध की गयी है
Windows Xp Tips & Tricks

Speed up menu display

Microsoft Windows XP uses many visual effects to provide a rich, friendly interface. One of these settings allows menus to fade into view when you open them. This visual effect is so smooth that you may never have noticed it; however, the effect does cause menus to take a little longer to appear.
On a fast computer, this shouldn’t be an issue. But on a computer that isn’t responding as quickly as you’d like, you can make menus display faster.
To speed up menu display
Click Start. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
My Computer shortcut menu with Properties selected
Click the Advanced tab. In the Performance area, click Settings.
System Properties dialog box Advanced tab with Settings button selected
On the Visual Effects tab in the Performance Options dialog box, clear the Fade or slide menus into view check box.
Visual Effects tab in Performance Options dialog box with Fade or slide menus into view selected
Click OK.
In the System Properties dialog box, click OK.
Advanced tab in System Properties dialog box with OK selected
Now when you click a menu, it will appear almost instantly.
Set your windows so they all have the same view
Published: September 7, 2006
Microsoft Windows XP lets you show the contents of folders in a variety of ways, such as a simple or detailed list of the files, or as thumbnail images. Each folder in My Computer or My Documents can have its own view. That’s useful for folders like My Music or My Pictures, because you can look at your digital photos in Thumbnails or Filmstrip view, and see your song titles in Tiles view. But changing the view for every folder can be time-consuming.
If you prefer to have all your folder contents displayed in a particular way, you can save yourself some time by changing the view for all the folders on your computer at once.
To set your windows so they all have the same view
1. Click Start, and then click My Documents.
Start menu with My Documents selected
2. Click the Views button, and then click the view you want to apply to all folders.
Note: For more information about views, read Specify how folders open.
My Documents window with Views menu displayed
3. Click Tools, and then click Folder Options.
Tools menu with Folder Options selected
4. Click the View tab, and then click Apply to All Folders.
View tab in Folder Options window
5. Click Yes.
Folder views dialog box
6. Click OK.
View tab in Folder Options window with OK button selected
The next time you open a folder, it will be displayed using the view you chose. To restore your original folder settings, repeat steps 1-3. Then, in step 4, click Reset All Folders.
If all the walls in your home are white, stop reading. If you’ve never accessorized an outfit, customized your car, or pierced your body, this article isn’t for you. But if you like adjusting your environment to fit your mood and sense of style, you’ll likely enjoy the number of ways Microsoft Windows XP lets you change the look of your operating system.
You can change everything at once by choosing a theme. There are themes for hundreds of movies, TV shows, sports teams, games, cars, musicians, and anything else people get enthusiastic about. Or you can totally customize the appearance of Windows XP by tuning individual settings.

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